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Prerequistes to deploy MonitorPack in Active Directory

MonitorPack Guard & Asset need a quick configuration to work in Active Directory context, you have two main ways to implement Monitorpack monitoring & Asset management.

MonitorPack Guard & Asset in AD forest with Proxy deployment mode

Sécurité Windows
Portfolio #1

Mode Proxy

Installation is made once for the entier site on one machine, recommendation is to deploy once MonitorPack proxy per Activie Directory site or per VLAN or LAN, it depends in how you decide to administrate MonitorPack (centralized or not). MonitorPack Guard & Asset can be installed on a Windows Server or a Workstation.

MonitorPack can act as a Proxy, it means you will monitor and inventory all from one machine, consolidating all information on this proxy and / or to your Web portal for MonitorPack subscribers. All e-mails will also be sent from the MonitorPack proxy.

A dedicated domain account can be create in the Activie Directory forest once and be used as a Windows service account.

GPO can be created as limitation for non built-in adminsitrator accounts have not the same level of rights than built-in administrators' accounts see 'LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy'.

MonitorPack Guard & Asset in AD forest with Agent deployment mode

Sécurité Windows
Portfolio #2

Mode Agent

Installation is made on each workstation & servers you will monitor. It is the simpliest way to deploy as the local service account will be the MonitorPack Windows service account by default and configuration will be simplified.

You can easily deploy MonitorPackGuard.msi through GPO by creating a dedicated OU as MonitorPackProxies and link the GPO to this OU.

MonitorPack is using Windows Management Instrumentation

MonitorPack solutions for inventories run with Windows Management Instrumentation. Follow Microsoft recommendations